This rather lovely couple popped in for a shoot a couple of weekends ago. Amiee and Tom were actually over from Spain to visit her mum and her mum had bought them a shoot as a present. What a nice mum.
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A couple of weekends ago, the little fella in the middle came all the way from Australia for his christening, he was very cute. He got to meet all his aunt's, uncle's and cousins for the first time. I got to take photographs of everyone.
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This little fella turned up for a shoot last weekend and weighed over 11 stone! He was very well behaved. He just reminded me of Scoobie Doo, he was very sweet.
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Jolly nice of you to drop by. This is essentially the place where i will put up photographs that i haven't quite gotten round to (or perhaps have no intention of) putting onto my main website Charlotte Photography.